Wednesday, September 10, 2014

End of Summer Roundup

Well, it was a productive summer here at BBR. I finished the definitive full-color versions of the Dungeonteller core rules AND the Dungeonteller monster book AND put out fold-n-play counters of EVERY Dungeonteller monster. It's all available in PDF format here for a reasonable price given that it's copiously illustrated in full color and designed to be a pleasure to read.
The definitive set of hand-drawn iso battle maps is only a week or so away from publication. And I'm making three custom battle maps for Morné Schaap's Winter Eternal indiegogo campaign. After that I will get Rock Opera '79 into shape for release by year's end.


  1. How or were do I get the file for Plunder Dome?
    Thank you

  2. John, the links for Plunderdome are in the right hand sidebar of my blog page under "Free Downloads"


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